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Làm quen với SQL ngay trong Excel với #Học_Excel_Online | microsoft sql

Làm quen với SQL ngay trong Excel với #Học_Excel_Online

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Làm quen với SQL ngay trong Excel với #Học_Excel_Online

Уроки MS SQL Server. Создание таблиц

Начинаем занятия по MS SQL Server! Первые шаги: где скачать, как установить, как создать первую базу данных и первую таблицу.
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Qiwi Wallet +79534684569
Ссылка для скачивания MS SQL Server 2012 Express:

Уроки MS SQL Server. Создание таблиц

[Khóa học sử dụng SQL server] – Bài 1: Giới thiệu SQL và SQL server | HowKteam

[Khóa học sử dụng SQL server] Bài 1: Giới thiệu SQL và SQL server | HowKteam
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[Khóa học sử dụng SQL server] - Bài 1: Giới thiệu SQL và SQL server  | HowKteam

Querying Microsoft SQL Server (T-SQL) | Udemy Instructor, Phillip Burton [bestseller]

In this video, Querying Microsoft SQL Server, Udemy instructor Phillip Burton will give you a preview to his online course that is the foundation for the Microsoft Certificate 70461.
Take the full course on Udemy at a discount using the following link:
SQL Server is one of the most popular database engines. It sounds daunting, but it is possible to learn some of the basics in about an hour. In this YouTube video, you’ll learn:
the six clauses in the SELECT statement (SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY).
how to easily remember their order (very useful for job interviews),
how to encapsulate these as queries and procedures, and
two ways to access this data in Excel.
Want more? My full 29 hour course is the foundation for the Microsoft Certificate 70461: \”Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012\” and 70761 \”Querying Data with TransactSQL\”.
Session 1
The basics presented are: how to install SQL Server, and how to create and drop tables. We then try to create a more advanced table, but find that we need to know more about data types so we go into some detail about data types and data functions, the foundation of TSQL.
Session 2
We’ll create tables which use these, and then INSERT some data into them. Then write queries which will retrieve and summary this data, using SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY. We’ll then JOIN these tables together to find where we are missing data and where we have inconsistent data. We’ll then UPDATE and DELETE data from the tables. This will allow up to fully complete objective number 1 from the 70461 exam.
Session 3
We’ll now use that data to create views, which enable us to store these SELECT queries for future use, and triggers, which allow for code to be automatically run when INSERTing, DELETEing or UPDATEing data. We’ll look at the database that we developed in session 2, and see what is wrong with it. We’ll add some constraints, such as UNIQUE, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY constraints, to stop erroneous data from being added some data. By doing this, we will complete objectives 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the 70461 exam
Session 4
We will further encapsulate our routines by creating procedures, allowing us to EXECUTE parameterized commands with just one statement, and we’ll add some error handling with TRY, CATCH and THROW. We’ll also combine datasets together, by looking at UNION and UNION ALL, INTERSECT and EXCEPT, CASE, ISNULL and Coalesce, and the mighty MERGE statement. By doing this, we will complete objectives 11, 12, 13 and parts of 6 and 18 from the 70461 exam.
Session 5
We’ll will now be creating aggregate queries, working through objective 9 of the exam 70461. We’ll be reviewing the ranking functions ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK and NTILE. We’ll look at the 8 analytic functions news to SQL Server 2012, such as LAG, LEAD, FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE. We’ll look at alternative ways of grouping and adding totals, using ROLLUP, CUBE, GROUPING SETS and GROUPING_ID. If you want to take the 70461 exam, we’ll also look at the geometry and geography data types, plotting locations on a grid, together with functions and aggregates.
Session 6
We’ll will now be creating subqueries, working through objectives 7be of the exam 70461. We’ll be created correlated subqueries, where the results of the subquery depend on the main query. We’ll be looking at Common Table Expressions using the WITH statement, and we’ll be using what we have learned to solve a common business problem. We’ll be looking at functions (objective 14), including the three different types of User Defined Functions (UDF): scalar functions, inline table functions, and multistatement table functions. We’ll then complete objective 6 by looking at synonyms and dynamic SQL, and objective 8 by looking at the use of GUIDs. We’ll also look at sequences. We’ll have a look at XML. Finally, for SQL Server 2016 and later (exam 70761), we’ll examine JSON and Temporal Tables.
Session 7
In this session we’ll be looking at transactions, seeing how to explicitly start and end them, and finding out how they can block other users in the database. Then we’ll see about how to indexes and their role in optimizing queries. We’ll also see how we can use Dynamic Management Views to see how we can improve our use of indexes. We’ll then look at how to write a cursor, and when to use this rowbased operation, and the impact of using scalar UDFs.
No prior knowledge is required I’ll even show you how to install SQL Server on your computer for free! There are regular quizzes to help you remember the information.
Once finished, you’ll know how to manipulate numbers, strings and dates, and create database and tables, create tables, insert data and create analyses, and have an appreciation of how they can all be used in TSQL.

Querying Microsoft SQL Server (T-SQL) | Udemy Instructor, Phillip Burton [bestseller]

Hướng dẫn Cài đặt và Cấu hình SQL Server 2012 R2 trên Windows Server 2012

Hướng dẫn Cài đặt và Cấu hình SQL Server 2012 R2 trên Windows Server 2012
Bạn có thể download SQLServer Express 2012 Release 2, bao gồm cả công cụ trực quan, tại:

Hướng dẫn Cài đặt và Cấu hình SQL Server 2012 R2 trên Windows Server 2012

นอกจากการดูหัวข้อนี้แล้ว คุณยังสามารถเข้าถึงบทวิจารณ์ดีๆ อื่นๆ อีกมากมายได้ที่นี่: ดูวิธีอื่นๆBUSINESS & INVESTMENT tại đây

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